208 resultados para Dermatobia hominis


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El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar la utilización de la Resina de Neem (Azadirachta indica)como desparasitante externo en el tratamiento del tórsalo (Dermatobia hominis)en bovinos del Municipio de Muy Muy, Departamento de Matagalpa. El Municipio de Muy Muy esta ubicado en las Coordenadas 12º45'48" de latitud Norte con 85° 37' 36" de Longitud Oeste, con una altura sobre el nivel del mar de 337.6 metros, una precipitación promedio entre 1400-1800 mm, con una temperatura promedio 24°C., La topografía del terreno en que se ubica el Municipio de MUY MUY, presenta las siguientes características: 32.1% Terrenos Plano, 41.0% Terrenos Ondulados y 26.9% Terrenos Quebrados. Y los tipos de suelos son arcillosos y rocosos. En el trabajo experimental se utilizó un diseño completamen te al azar (D.C.A) el que estuvo compuesto por un lote de 18 animales divididos en 3 grupos, cada grupo formado por 6 animales seleccionadas al azar y sometidas a tratamientos distintos Tratamiento I: Ivermectina al 1%, Tratamiento II: Resina del Neem al 5%. Tratamiento III: Resina de Neem al 10%. Para evaluar la efectividad de los distintos tratamientos se hizo conteos periódicos de tórsalos cada siete días, cuantificando la cantidad de nódulos por animal y región anatómica a los 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56 días. La efectividad de todos los tratamientos se observó a partir de los 21 días después de la aplicación. Los tratamientos II y I tuvieron las mejores respuestas en el control, del tórsalo, con un porcentaje de efectividad del 91.6%, y 72.7% respectivamente y con un 62.5% para el tratamiento III. El área anatómica mas afectada fue la del miembro anterior derecho seguido del lateral derecho. Según el análisis del costo de la dosis, se puede decir que la resina de Neem es un desparasita nte económico para los productores.


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El Dermatobia hominis (torsalo) es una de las patologías que mas afecta al ganado bovino, causa grandes perdidas económicas al productor así como a la economía del país. Con objetivo de brindarle al productor una alternativa para el tratamiento y control del torsalo se desarrollo en el departamento de Estelí el estudio” DETERMINAR LA EFECTIVIDAD DEL NOSODES HOMEOPÁTICO EN EL CONTROL DEL DERMATOBIA HOMINIS (TORSALO)EN LA UNIDAD DE PRODUCCIÓN BALCAR EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DE ESTELÍ. ”Para lo cual se seleccionaron cuarenta animales de forma aleatoria, estos eran terneros de tres a seis meses a los cuales se les aplico medicamento orgánico (nosodes homeopático)durante tres meses (junio, julio y agosto del 2005)donde se aplicaron cuatro tipos de tratamientos . Los resultados obtenidos revelan que el nosodes por digestión sin aditivos(A)y el nosodes por congelación mas aditivos (D) presentan mejores resultados positivos en cuanto a la reducción del ectoparásito.


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El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia del tórsalo (Dermatobia hominis) en fincas de las diferentes comarcas ubicadas en el Municipio de San Pedro de Lóvago, departamento de Chontales. El municipio se localiza entre las coordenadas 12º 07 ́ latitud norte y 85º07 ́ latitud oeste. La altitud promedio es de 340msnm. El clima es semi húmedo conocido como de sabana tropical. La temperatura promedio anual oscila entre los 25 y 26ºC; su precipitación pluvial varía entre los 1 200 y 1 400mm, caracterizándose por una buena distribución de las lluvias durante todo el año. En el trabajo de muestreo se utilizó un estudio observacional de tipo transversal, utilizándose un muestreo sin reemplazo. Para determinar el tamaño de la muestra se utilizó la formula de Martin et al. (1987) y Trusfield, (1995) donde plantean que N = 1,962* p *q / L 2,donde p es la prevalencia, q = 1 – p y L especifica el límite deseado de error de la prevalencia. Se espera que la prevalencia (p) de 50% sea usada en combinación con él límite deseado de error de 14%, si la prevalencia en la población entera es desconocida. Y cuando la población de bovinos está comprendida entre los rangos de 2 807 a 7 480 individuos de la población. El tamaño requerido de la muestra de este trabajo fue de 52 fincas en producción de toda la zona en estudio. Los resultados obtenidos en el municipio de San Pedro de Lóvago en relación a la Prevalencia de tórsalo en bovinos, de un total de 52 fincas estudiadas, de los cuales se examinaron un total 1 317 animales, de los cuales 1 068 resultaron positivos representando el 81% de prevalencia y 249 animales negativos para un 19%. Al realizar el análisis estadístico se encontró diferencia significativa (p <0.05) entre las regiones anatómicas, siendo las regiones Laterales Toráxico-abdominal derecha, la más afectada. Al relacionar la intensidad de invasión del tórsalo de acuerdo al color de la piel, se observó que existe mayor presentación del mismo en los animales de color Negro, seguido del color Osca, Blanco y color Pardo.


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Con el objeto de determinar cuál es el insecticida más efectivo en el control del tórsalo y la mejor forma de aplicación, se llevo a cabo un experimento en el Departamento de Boaco en el lapso comprendido de Julio a Diciembre de 1967. En cada finca se utilizaron cuarenta animales. Los insecticidas aplicados fueron: Ruelene 25 E en dosis de diez y siete miligramos por kilogramo de peso vivo y Neguvón en dosis de cincuenta miligramos por kilogramo de peso vivo. Los insecticidas se aplicaron en la forma siguiente: Ruelene 25 E vertido Ruelene 25 E solución Neguvón vertido Neguvón solución Se efectuaron recuentos de parásitos al principio del experimento y a los tres días y a los ocho días después de la aplicación de los insecticidas. El diseño experimental usado fue de bloques al azar con repeticiones y análisis dentro de las fincas. Los dos insecticidas y sus formas de aplicación estadísticamente tuvieron la misma efectividad, con porcentajes de control similares. el ruelene 25 E fue el insecticida de menor costo, en las dos formas de aplicación. Durante el experimento no se observaron efectos tóxicos en ningún animal. Se observó que el poder residual del Ruelene 25 E fue mayor que el del Neguvón.


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Two groups of mice were infested with first stage larvae of the human bot-fly, Dermatobia hominis (Linnaeus Jr) (Diptera: Oestridae). In the first group, skin biopsies were carried out 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 18 days after infestation. The second group was also infested but had all the larvae removed 5 days after infestation. The mice in the latter group were reinfested 4 weeks later and skin biopsies were carried out 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 18 days after reinfestation. In the first group, an inflammatory reaction began slowly, the neutrophils being the main inflammatory cells, eosinophils being scarce. The reaction progressed with time, developing a necrotic halo around the larvae containing inflammatory cells surrounded by fibroblasts. The inflammation invaded the adjacent tissue. In the second group, the inflammatory reaction was intense on the day immediately after reinfestation, the pattern being changed by the presence of a large number of eosinophils. Activated fibroblasts surrounding the necrotic area around the larvae appeared 3 days after reinfestation in the second group and 7 days after infestation in the first group. The results demonstrated that the previous contact with the antigens elicited the early arrival of eosinophils, probably through the chemotactic factors liberated by mast cells in the anaphylactic reaction.


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The defense reactions against biological (Histoplasma capsulatum and Escherichia coli) and non-biological materials (China ink and nylon thread) were tested in vivo in third instar larvae of Dermatobia hominis. The cellular defense performed by larval hemocytes was observed under electron microscopy. China ink particles were phagocytosed by granular cells 5 h after injection. E. coli cells were internalized by granular cells as early as 5 min after injection and totally cleared 180 min post-injection, when many hemocytes appeared disintegrated and others in process of recovering. H. capsulatum yeasts provoked, 24 h after being injected, the beginning of nodule formation. Nylon thread was encapsulated 24 h after the introduction into the hemocoel. Our results suggest that granular cells were the phagocytic cells and also the responsible for the triggering of nodule and capsule formation. In the presence of yeasts cells and nylon thread, they released their granules that chemotactically attracted the plasmatocytes that on their turn, flattened to surround and isolate the foreign material.


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Foram examinados os hemócitos de larvas do 2º (L2) e 3º(L3) instares de Dermatobia hominis em nível de microscopia óptica e comparados com os de outras espécies encontradas na literatura. Nas L2 e em L3 com peso de até 200mg foram encontrados cinco tipos: Pro-hemócitos, Plasmatócitos, Vermiformes, Oenocitóides e Esfoliativas. A medida em que as L3 foram-se tornando mais idosas apareceram em seqüência os Granulócitos e Adipohemócitos, sendo raro encontrar-se Pro-hemócitos em L3 com peso acima de 500mg. Tipos intermediários entre Pro-hemócitos e Plasmatócitos e entre Granulócitos e Adipohemócitos também foram encontrados, fazendo-se supor que pro-hemócitos dão origem ao Plasmatócito e que este dá origem ao Granulócito que pode acumular grãos de lipídeos transformando-se em Adipohemócito. O Oenocitóide parece ter origem diferente dos demais tipos. Não foram encontradas formas transicionais entre Plasmatócito fusiforme e Vermiforme típica conforme aparece na literatura para algumas espécies. Embora sem ter característica de hemócitos, as células Esfoliativas são elementos que aparecem nos dois instares estudados.


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O trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento das gônadas do berne (D. hominis) durante o período pupal. As pupas desenvolvidas de larvas com peso superior a 650 mg, deram imagos fêmeas, enquanto que as desenvolvidas daquelas pesando entre 500 e 650 mg deram macho, tendo havido um erro ao redor de 5%. Até o oitavo dia de pupação os testículos crescem mais que os ovários; a partir daí diminui o desenvolvimento, parando de crescer entre o vigésimo e vigésimo quinto dias. A espermatogênese inicia por volta do sétimo dia de pupa quando é grande o número de espermatócitos. No décimo dia alguns testículos apresentam considerável número de espermátides e os espermatozóides começam a aparecer por volta do vigésimo dia. A espermiogênese desenvolve-se sem interrupção e ao final da pupação quase toda loja testicular está repleta de espermatózóides. Os machos começam a nascer dois dias antes das fêmeas. Nessas, os ovaríolos aparecem formados por volta do oitavo dia de pupa; os folículos se individualizam por volta do vigésimo dia de pupa onde se distingue os trofócitos com núcleos politênicos e citoplasmas bem basófilos, enquanto o ovócito tem citoplasma mais acidófilo e núcleo com cromatina bastante frouxa. A vitelogênese tem início ao redor do vigésimo quinto dia de pupa e se completa ao nascimento da imago. A ligação das gônadas com suas respectivas estruturas somáticas acontece ao redor do décimo terceiro dia de pupação.


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We studied the ultrastructural aspects of pre-pupae and pupae ovaries of Dermatobia hominis. Physiological degeneration of gonial cells was observed: (a) after the ovarioles differentiation, in the oogonia residing in the apical region of the ovary; (b) at the beginning of vitellogenesis, in the cystoblasts close to the terminal filament. The significance of gonial cell degeneration was correlated with the physiological changes wich occur in the ovary during development.


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The ultrastructure and distribution of gonial and somatic cells in the ovary of Dermatobia hominis was studied during the 3rd larval instar. In larvae weighing between 400 and 500 mg, the ovary is partially divided into basal and apical regions by oblong somatic cells that penetrate from the periphery; these cells show ovoid nucleus and cytoplasm full of microtubules. In both regions, gonial cells with regular outlines, large nucleus and low electron-density cytoplasm are scattered among the interstitial somatic cells. These later cells have small nucleus and electrodense cytoplasm. Clear somatic cells with small nucleus and cytoplasm of very low electron-density are restrict to the apical region of the gonad. Degenerating interstitial somatic cells are seen in the basal portion close to the ovary peduncle. During all this larval period the morphological features of the ovary remain almost the same. At the end of the period there is a gradual deposition of glycogen in the cytoplasm of the somatic cells, increase in the number and density of their mitochondria plus nuclear modification as membrane wrinkling and chromatin condensation in masses.


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Ovaries up to the 8th day pupae of Dermatobia hominis were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Ovarioles were recognized in ovaries of 4-day old pre-pupae, surrounded by a thin tunica propria of acellular fibrilar material similar in structure to the internal portion of the external tunica of the ovary. There is continuity of the tunica propria and the ovarian tunica, indicating that the former structure originates from the tunica externa. In 5 to 7-day pupae the interstitial somatic cells from the apical region of the ovary, close to the ovarioles, show delicate filamentous material inside of their rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae; similar material is seem among these cells. Our observations suggest that interstitial somatic cells do not originate the tunica propria but contribute to its final composition.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Proteolytic activity in excretory/secretory products (ESP) of first- (L1), second- (L2) and third-instar (L3) larvae of Dermatobia hominis was analyzed through gelatin-gel and colorimetric enzyme assays with the chromogenic substrates azocasein and BApNA. The functional characterization of proteases was based on inhibition assays including synthetic inhibitors. ESP were obtained from new-hatched larvae reared in the laboratory and from second- and third-instar larvae removed from naturally infested cattle. Gelatin-gel analysis evidenced few bands of proteolysis, predominantly of high apparent molecular masses, in ESP of L1, whereas in the gel of L2 and U ESP there was a wide range of proteolytic activity most of them not resolved in a single species. Azocasein assays revealed a progressive increase of protease activity from first- to third-instar larvae. Protease inhibitor assays revealed a predominance of metalloproteases in L1 ESP that could be related to a skin penetration process and to a diversion of host immune response. The predominance of serine proteases in L2 and L3 and the great tryptic activity presented by L3 ESP were attributed to an increasing trophic activity by the growing larvae, since the viability of adult flies strictly depends on larval abilities to assimilate nutrients from the host. Taking together, these results suggest that Dematobia larvae secrete/excrete different proteases that may be related to diverse functions during host penetration and infestation, which reinforces the relevance of the study of such proteolytic enzymes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Various types of nuages and lamellae anulata can be found during Dermatobia hominis spermatogenesis. In spermatogonia, the nuages occur as granules juxtaposed to the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear envelope or as cytoplasmic granules similar toglycogen granules. In spermatocytes, in addition to the nuages, dense spherical bodies of approximately 1.0 µm in diameter are also observed. In the spermatids the nuages can be of the following types: perinuclear granules, spherical granules with diameters varying in length from 0.5 to 1.0 µm, granules similar to glycogen granules, granules with variable diameters which accumulate at the flagellum base forming the centriole adjunct, or remain in the cytoplasm. Nuages can also be observed in these cellular types as dense masses, without a definite outline and are common to animal germinal cells in general. The lamellae anulata on the other hand, are observed only in spermatocytes I and in early spermatids, being always immersed in electron-dense material of indefinite outline. In spermatids, the lamellae anulata are close to the nuclear envelope suggesting, in spite of opposing opinions, that these cells are envolved in the synthesis and transport of material from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.


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The digestive tube of 2nd and 3rd instar larvae, pupae and newly emerged adults of Dermatobia hominis (Linnaeus, 1781) was studied anatomically. The specimens were dissected in buffer saline under a stereomicroscope, and the digestive tubes were placed on slides and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Each tube was measured using a micrometric eye piece, and drawings were made with camera lucida. The results showed that the midgut, the hindgut and the Malpighian tubules with their ducts grow gradually during the larval development. The oesophagus and the salivary glands with their ducts grow only during the moult from the 2nd to the 3rd instar. In the pupal period, salivary glands grow gradually but disappeared after the 20th day. After metamorphosis the digestive tube regressed. This is expected since adult D. hominis lives about nine days without feeding. This fly, similar to other calyptratae muscoid flies shows no vestige of a crop during all post-embrionic development, and the adult has no salivary glands.